Was Someone Thinking About You? Check Out These Psychic Signs


Picture this. You are at your work and completely engrossed in some task and suddenly, out of nowhere, a thought about an old friend pops up in your head. Then this small thought takes you down memory lane and you begin to get flashes from the time spent with that person.

You surely must have had such instances, right?

Getting a memory of a long lost friend or a person with who you are not in touch anymore, absolutely out of no reason, can even have a justification? Ever thought as to how and why did it happen or you just brushed off the thought?

Well, if you thought about it and still was not able to figure out how did that thought pop up, this blog is for you!

It was the mystic spell of Clairsentience that led you to think about a particular person!

Now you may ask what is Clairsentience? What does it have to do with your memories and thoughts?

Worry not, your answer is right here. Keep reading!

The Magic Of Clairsentience

Clairsentience is one of the Clair senses. It is a French term with an amalgamation of two words namely Clair and Sentience. Clair means clear and sentience refers to sentiments.

As you read above, it is the work, or should we say the magic of this Clair sense that taps into the emotional states of others and help in establishing a connection with them. This psychic power of Clairsentience is the subtle ability to perceive energy. It is a mystical ability that lets an individual pick up the energy of others that helps in feeling what a person is going through or thinking about!

We all have this ability of Clairsentience at varying levels. Some are proficient in it and some are moderate in tapping the thoughts and emotions of others.

So, to answer your question as to how the sudden-thought-pop-up happens, it is the clairsentience that is working its magic.

When you suddenly get a thought about a person it is probably because he too was thinking about you. When the energy levels of the two beings match, they tend to have a memory reminder of each other.

Hence, if you ever get such unexpected sudden thoughts, just let it flow and live the moment to the core.

Psychic Signs Someone Was Thinking About You

Here are some of the signs and indicators that can help you identify if someone is thinking about you. Check them out carefully and see if you resonate with them:-

· A Random Twitch In The Eye

One of the most prominent and common psychic sign that someone is thinking, or having a conversation about you is getting a twitch in your eyes. According to the maestros of psychic readings, it is believed that a sudden twitch in the eyes is a significant indicator signaling that you are being thought of by someone. Some beliefs even say that a twitch in the right eye means someone is conversing good about you but a twitch in the left one means you are being talked about in a bad light. This belief goes opposite for women.

· Getting A White Feather Unexpectedly

Finding a white feather is considered to be very lucky in the world of psychics. It signals that your deceased loved one is thinking about you and assuring you that they are there for you no matter what. So, if you ever come across a white feather know that your loved ones who are now the residents of another world are marking their presence and assuring that they are always there to take care of you.

· Unexpected Rush Of Emotions

Another psychic sign is of feeling a sudden rush of emotions. If you unexpectedly get a feeling that lets you become sad or depressed, or compel you to get engrossed in bitter moments, it is probably because of a person thinking about you, who could have helped you out for tackling an issue. It is his energy that travels miles and miles to convey that he feels apologetic that he couldn’t lend a helping hand when needed. Getting such a sudden flow of emotions of fear, sadness, or anxiety is often directed by such energies.

So, have you ever come across such signs? If yes, now you know the reasons. If not, watch out for these psychic signs when you get unexpected memory flashes about someone.

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Source: http://tranxendence.com/blog-detail/Was-Someone-Thinking-About-You?-Check-Out-These-Psychic-Signs


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