The Incredible Subtle Skill Of Clairvoyance


Do you often get some visions and sights in your mind that seem from the future? Do these visions turn out to be true most of the time?

Ever thought what these visions were or do you just consider them vague illusions and brush them off?

Well, if you take them into consideration, good job! If not, read on the blog ahead and unfold how blessed you are with the powers of Clairvoyance!

What is Clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance is a psychic ability that we humans have that empowers us to see clear sights and visions. Clairvoyance is derived from a blend of two French words namely “Clair” meaning clear and “Voyance” meaning Vision. It is that ability that allows a person to see those things which can not be seen physically with the normal eye!

But how can one see something without visualizing with eyes?

Well, it is the mind’s eye that lets us see everything that a normal eye cannot see and perceive.

How Does Clairvoyance Even Work?

Many maestros of science and psychiatry have been conducting several pieces of research to unravel the mystery as to how does clairvoyance works. But there has been hardly any inferences and conclusions that can provide the explanation of the same!

Some people consider that it is the overactive imagination of us humans that lets us see visions and sights. But the truth is that our psychic skills empower us to take a peek into the futuristic events and obtain information. Clairvoyance does not make us see things physically right in front of our eyes but we get visions through our mind’s eye!

Is Everyone Clairvoyant?

Well, it is a fact that we all are clairvoyant and are blessed with the boons of clairvoyance to some extent but in varying degrees. Some have the active powers at a high degree, some at a bit low. Some own this psychic ability since birth, some develop it over time, and some even learn it with persistent practice.

Signs You Are Clairvoyant

True-To-Life Dreams

Do you often get such dreams that are vivid and seem completely realistic? Do these dreams feel like a piece of real life? If you nodded a yes, it is a clear sign that you are a clairvoyant person. If you continuously see repetitive signs and symbols that hold deep meaning, it is a possibility of you being a clairvoyant. All you need to do is to decipher the correct meaning and derive conclusions.

Remote Sensing

Clairvoyant humans are pretty good at sensing things remotely. They can easily sense and trace various feelings and visions without making use of the normal sense organs. They avail the mystic magic of the Extra-Sensory Perceptions to obtain information. They do not require to be physically present somewhere, they just obtain information remotely with their psychic ability.

Multiple Visions, Signs, and Symbols

If you repetitively get multiple visions, signs, and symbols in your dreams or even when you are not sleeping out of anywhere, it is a sign that you might be clairvoyant. Such visions pop absolutely from nowhere but hold immense meaning attached to them. You just need to derive what it has to offer in your life and make the most of it!

Attract To Everything Artistic

Clairvoyant people are highly attracted to every alluring physical object like paintings, sculptures, flowers, etc. that are artistic and seem pleasing to the eyes. They feel attached and find them fond of all things beautiful and aesthetic. They often try to decipher meanings from the paintings and attempt to read the painter’s mind and try to obtain his feelings and motive. If you also do the same and resonate with this point, it is possible that you are a clairvoyant person.

Can Connect The Dots

If you can easily connect the various visions and signs seen with ease and that too with accuracy, it is possible that you are a clairvoyant human. Being able to connect the dots between various things and visions, is for sure a signal that you are blessed with the powers of clairvoyance!

So how many of these signs resonate with you? One or all of them?

No matter how many signs you tick marked, there can be several other signs that can prove that you are a clairvoyant person. These were just the commonly noticed signs.

Make the most of your psychic ability and if possible offer help to everyone with your mystical powers of Clairvoyance.

If you want to read more about such interesting topics, sign up for free at Tranxendence is a social platform where you can share your psychic experiences and read stories of others as well.

Join the knowledgeable platform to learn about the magical realities of life!


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