The Mystical Boon Of Clairsentience
Are you someone who is sensitive to energy? Are you able to feel the emotion, feelings, and state of mind of others even without having a word with them?
If you have answered yes to the above two questions, did you attempt to find out what is it, and how are you able to do so?
Well, you may call it just a matter of coincidence what you felt but in reality, it is called Clairsentience.
What is Clairsentience?
Just like the word Clairsentience is difficult to write, its meaning is even harder to explain. In simple language, Clairsentience is a psychic ability to feel the present, past, and even future emotional state of others. It is defined as a “clear-feeling” that enables a person to feel the emotions of others without using the normal senses of hearing or speech.
Hard to believe, no?
But there has been a gazillion of such instances witnessed by people from all over the world where they were able to feel a different energy and a strong feeling that helped them understand the state of mind of others. Even of strangers who they had not seen or met before!
The Origin Of Clairsentience
According to History, the term Clairsentience was coined in the era of the 17th century. That’s quite a long back time!
The word is believed to be derived from the French word ‘Claire’ meaning clear and ‘Sentience’ meaning the ability to feel or sense. The amalgamation of the two forms the sole word that means the ability to clearly sense and perceive things.
Clairsentience is a mystical ability to sense and understand the subtle energies associated with a person, place, or thing without making use of any normal sensory organs. It enables a person to receive and perceive the energetic transmissions sent by and around the third person. A person blessed with this boon becomes capable to pick up the mood, feelings, vibes, and intentions associated with him. Such a person, just with their instincts can detect insights around the emotions, sentiments, and problematic spots.
And there is even a little surprising fact about people having this psychic ability that they are even able to detect, sense, and feel the energy even when there is no one around or also when a person present is not showing any emotions. That’s a bit scary, no?
Are Empaths And Clairesentients The Sides Of The Same Coin?
Empaths are those persons who can feel the emotions and energies of other people. They get in the shoes of others to understand how a person is feeling and what he is going through.
On the other hand, a Clairsentient is a person who does not require the need for any sensory organs to feel the emotions and the state of others. Their psychic ability empowers them to access the wider arena and help them detect even the past and present of the emotions felt as well.
We can say that all clairsentients are empaths but not all empaths need to be clairsentients.
Are You A Clairsentient? Check Out These Signs
Want to know if you are a Clairsentient or not? Watch out for these signs:-
Sign 1: You Are Too Sensitive
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being sensitive. But if you are oversensitive to feelings and emotions, this a clear sign that you are a part of the Team Clairsentience.
Sign 2: Able To Feel Pain Of Others
If sensing and understanding the feelings of others comes naturally to you, it is a signal that you are clairsentient. Also, if you can feel the physical pain of others, get assured you are blessed with the ability.
Sign 3: You Can Feel Energy In Spaces
Do you sometimes feel that you are not alone at times or are being watched over? Do you feel alien energy trying to render a different sensation of feelings and emotions? If you have said yes to this surprising sign, you for sure are Clairsentient.
Sign 4: Sensitive To Surroundings
Surrounded by clean and decluttered surroundings is almost everyone’s choice. But if you find it as an important need and feel that clutter around can hamper you, it can be a sign that you are empowered with the psychic ability.
Sign 5: Strong & Accurate Feelings About Others
If detecting and feeling other people’s emotions and intentions come naturally to you without even having a single conversation with them, you might be clairsentient.
Sign 6: Crowds Make You Uncomfortable
Clairsentient people usually feel a bit dizzy in big crowds. Crowdy places make them uncomfortable and make it hard for them to survive in such sites. If you too feel the same, there is a chance of you being clairsentient.
Sign 7: You Have Frequent Mood-Swings
Mood-swings here and there are normal. But when it becomes random and frequent and seems tough to be handled at a pace, it may be a sign you are clairsentient.
So, how many of these signs did you tick-marked? One, two, or all of them?
There can be numerous other signs as well but these are the most prominent ones. So, if you answered yes to the maximum of them, it is truly possible that you are blessed with the mystic boon of Clairsentience.
Being clairsentient can be a bit emotionally taxing at times given the fact that you are actually feeling the emotions of others. So, instead of feeling drained, realize the fact that you are blessed and can always offer help to the people in need.
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