Psychometry: A Cryptic Science Or A Mystical Superpower

Have you ever walked into an antique store or a palatial fort and sensed different energy? Did your mind start playing a historic cinematic saga when you touched the artifacts around?

If you answered yes to both the above 2 questions, did you ever try to figure out what it was? How could you sense and see such stories of the yore and past?

If yes, you already know it was Psychometry. If no, let us take you on a journey to find out what this mystical superpower of Psychometry really is!

Psychometry: Meaning Of The Mystery

Psychometry referred to as a superpower by the laymen and an extra-sensory perception by the masters of Science, is the ability to gather information about an object by just merely touching or holding the object in hand. A person blessed with this super-ability while holding the particular object in hand, can sense its history, envision the related images, feel the emotions attached, hear the sound, and even receive tastes and smells round and around, just by touching the object.

Surprising right? A little unbelievable too, no?

But it is true to the core!

Many people all over the world have witnessed this and have even shared their Psychometry stories which are always doing the rounds on the web of the Internet.

Also referred to as token-object reading, psychoscopy, and clairtangency, Psychometry, has always remained a mystery for many. The one who has experienced this feels that it is some kind of superpower but the researchers have always had a dual opinion on this topic. Some believe that it is just a game of the subconscious mind but many have registered their claims by calling it a theory beyond the universe of science!

Psychic Ability or Psychic Science?

To clear out the confusion and conclude literal war as to whether Psychometry is an ability or a part of science, hundreds and hundreds of surveys and researches have been conducted by many psychologists and doctors all across the globe.

Every inference had a different view and verdict.

But a common conclusion was inferred as well which stated it as a Psychic Ability!

Such psychic ability which is an energetic fingerprint that lets an individual knows about the past of an object by touch or proximity.

Since we all are made up of energy and are always environed by various layers and levels of energy, we always leave energetic imprints on all the objects we touch or come in contact with. The persons with this psychic ability just read these imprints and gather the associated emotions and information.

Signs You Have the Superpower

Though Psychometry is an art that can be learned with immense efforts and practice, but some people are already blessed with this boon!

Check out the following signs and see if you have this psychic ability:-

  • You can not buy or wear used clothes, jewelry, or any ornaments.
  • You find it difficult to use already used pieces of furniture.
  • You feel a little weird in and around antique boutiques.
  • You feel too anxious in crowded and cluttered places.
  • You always look forward to wash-off your hands after holding objects.

If you tick marked a yes for each of these above-enlisted signs, you are lucky as you are for sure engifted with this super-psychic-power!

Can Anyone Learn Psychometry?

Psychometry for some is inherent but it can surely be learned by novices with a blend of practice and persistence.

With the help of following few steps you can learn, polish, and ace this psychic ability:-

  • To begin with, first, wash your hands cleanly just for eliminating any kind of alien energy from your body. Once washed, let it dry and let it flow out every external energy attached.
  • Then, find a peaceful meditational place, and next, sit and rub your hands together to get the energy flowing.
  • Now, very slowly start pulling your palms apart. Remember, be gentle and slow while doing this step. If you sense a thick feeling or energy, great job! If not, try rubbing your hands for even some more time and then do the same step again.
  • Now, once you get the energy flowing, meditate for some time till you let out every bit of the distracting thoughts from your mind. Alienate yourself from all the possible ways and turns of cluttering thoughts and try reaching the calmest zone and state of your mind.
  • Now ask a person around to place an object in your hand that you are completely unfamiliar with.
  • Next, close your eyes, and start visualizing the object in your mind and let all the images and scenes flowing in your mind sink in. Do not ever force, must keep it natural and see whatever you come across, or sense, or smell, or even hear.
  • Once you start receiving information, do not commence making any judgments right away! Let everything come in, save it in your mind’s file, and move forward. You might see such things which may seem insignificant but believe us, it may have a lot of meaning enclosed to it.
  • Practice the same step for some more time till you feel the information about the object is sufficient and then come out of the state and draw inferences.

Psychometry is not easy, especially for beginners as it demands a high amount of patience, persistence, and peace of mind. You may find it hard in the beginning to process, but once you start excelling there will be no way back!

Avail the magic of this wondrous psychic-ability and know about the history around.

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