The Enigmatic Mystery Of Mind Reading
When a group of buddies was asked — What superpower would you like to have, many answered the power of being invisible, the power of telekinesis, the power of time traveling, the power of teleportation, etc. But do you know what was the most frequently answered superpower? Yes, it was Mind Reading! Now, what is this fuss about mind-reading? Why does almost everyone desire to know what the other person is thinking? Maybe the curious genes of us humans. Or mere the urge to have a sense of what others feel about you or the situations. Answers to this could be infinite and even beyond the explanations. Let us try to throw some light on this superpower and figure out what it is all about! Mind Reading: The Meaning Mind reading is basically the ability to trace and find out what the other person is thinking. It is often called as a superpower that lets an individual know what the other person is thinking about. Though scientifically it has not been proven that mind-reading is possible ...