Aura Reading - It's All About Vibes!
It’s truly all about vibes! How do people react when you are around them? Do they take an interest in what you say, or resist your chit-chat? Do they listen to you attentively or just plainly render an expression of ignorance? How you make someone feel matters the most. What aura and vibes you radiate is something very important. But what to do when you do not know what vibes do you emit when around a bunch of people? Well, the best option is to get your Aura read by the experts! What Is An Aura? Well, in laymen’s terms you might understand Aura as the vibes and atmosphere that you emit. But in the dictionary of science and spirituality, Aura is defined as the electromagnetic field that surrounds a person’s body and is directly associated with the energy. How you feel to others is a resultant of this energy field. Though Aura is invisible to every one of us but can surely felt by each one of us! Auras are contagious and have a direct impact. While being around a happy and chirpy ...